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  Mathematician / NLP Enthusiast / Tireless Coder
A postgraduate student from University of Sheffield specialising in Computer Science with Speech and Language Processing. Always come with strong critical thinking and well-run brainstorming session. With the knowledge of machine learning, deep learning, and mathematical programming.
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This is how the Journey Begins

My journey after graduation. Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning to start a new journey after graduation. This is how the journey begins!

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P-Value Easy Explanation

In Data Science interviews, one of the frequently asked questions is 'What is P-Value?'. It's hard to grasp the concept behind p-value. To understand p-value, you need to understand some background and context behind it.

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Data Science

Set Up Anaconda for Python

Recently, python is getting more popular, because it can complete a project in a short time. However, setting up virtual environment is crucial for programming several projects. In this article, I will introduce how I setting up a anaconda environment for python.

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In this article, I will show you how to crack Sublime Text editor for Windows. In this case, you won't need to input any license for it.
Download VoxCeleb Dataset Download VoxCeleb Dataset
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Run Python Function Faster Run Python Function Faster
To make python code more faster, we can use multiprocessing to map a function to a list. We will also use the implanted solution in tqdm library to show progress bar whilst running the code in multiprocessing manner.
Mix Audio with Noise Mix Audio with Noise
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End-to-End Word2Vec Training End-to-End Word2Vec Training
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Install PyTorch Old Version Install PyTorch Old Version
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Build a Dockerfile Including TaLib Wrapper Build a Dockerfile Including TaLib Wrapper
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Story of Two Returns Story of Two Returns
In finance, return is a profit on an investment. It can be used to gauge different metrics, all of which help determine how profitable a investment target is. A positive return represents a profit while a negative return marks a loss.
Install Docker on Windows without Hyper-V Install Docker on Windows without Hyper-V
Docker is an open-source tool that allows you to run numerous software and operating systems in a containerised environment. The background story is that I wish to run an Android app on Mumu, and this app requires the Hyper-V service to be closed. However, I still need to use Docker to deploy my machine learning project, which requires Hyper-V to be enabled. This puts me in a very difficult position. So in this article, I will try to install and run Docker without using Hyper-V service.
Equivalent WATCH Command in Windows Equivalent WATCH Command in Windows
In Linux, the watch command is extremely handy for running a command on a regular basis and displaying the results. This is particularly useful if you need to keep track of any changes in the output of a command that is run repeatedly. The watch command has no direct equivalent in Windows, however the while loop in Windows PowerShell or the for loops in a Windows command-line prompt (CMD) can achieve the same result.
Run Octave Script from Command Line Run Octave Script from Command Line
Octave is an open-source replacement for MATLAB, a software and programming environment for numerical arithmetic and data analysis. Sometimes it's more convenient to run Octave scripts from the command line.
Use SUBL Command in Windows Use SUBL Command in Windows
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Why We Need PEP Why We Need PEP
PEP8 was designed to make Python code more readable. If you're new to Python, remembering what a piece of code does a few days or weeks after you created it can be challenging. If you follow PEP8, you may be able to assure that your variables have been properly named.
Alumni Profiles on Sheffield Website Alumni Profiles on Sheffield Website
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Blind Spot about Sklearn Confusion Matrix Blind Spot about Sklearn Confusion Matrix
Evaluate the model we developed while performing research for either machine learning or deep learning projects is crucial. The best technique to see if the predicted value is well-classified is to use a confusion matrix. The confusion matrix function in the sklearn package, however, has a different interpretation than the one we usually find on other websites.
Self-Attention for NLP Self-Attention for NLP
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Render Pseudocode in Hexo Blog Render Pseudocode in Hexo Blog
pseudocode.js is a JavaScript library that typesets pseudocode beautifully to HTML. When I was trying to render the pseudocode in my tech blog, I struggled a lot. I tried loads of methods, but none of them worked. Finally, this one worked out, so I'd like to document it for future reference.
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