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How to Apply for Coursera Financial Aid


Coursera is the global online learning platform that offers anyone, anywhere access to online courses and degrees from world-class universities and companies. If you can’t afford to pay for a Certificate, you can apply for Financial Aid or a Scholarship through the link on the course home page. Learners with Financial Aid or Scholarships in a course will be able to access all of the course content and complete all work required to earn a Course Certificate. Financial Aid and Scholarships only apply to the course that the application was approved for.


Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

As a postgraduate student at the University of Sheffield, located in United Kingdom. I specialise in Computer Science with Speech and Language Processing. My income is barely enough to cover my living expense, as a result, I don’t have extra money to register the course. Furthermore, I want to save money for my family, and since I don’t want to put too much pressure on my family, I request Coursera for financial aid. I plan on adding any certificates I’ve attained to all of my applications/resume. I need all the help I can get to land a job. Financial aid will help me take this course without any adverse impact on my monthly essential needs. So I’m badly in need of this financial aid.I want to take this course as I want to learn. This course will boost my job prospects after graduation from my institute. It will help perform better in understanding and learning this technology and give me an edge over my competitors. In a nutshell, this is a great and appealing platform for learning. The financial aid programme proveided by Coursera is a great opportunity for student like me to pursue the course, and I hope I get the chance to have financial aid for the course. Thank you for your consideration, I hope your can agree to my application. I look forward to your reply!

How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?

My dissertation aims to solve a data-driven problem, and I reckon that this class will help me improve my learning skill, critical thinking skill, and brainstorming skill. Through this class, I am able to use my time more effectively and efficiently. After that, I can gain the skill I need for my future career.
In this course, first, I will learn the foundations for relational database and I will understand the major technique about application in Big Data. Second, I will understand how database and table design provides structure for working with data, and recognise the features and benefits of SQL dialects designed to work with big data systems for storage and analysis.
In the process of my studying, I realise that my learning method is not systematic enough to handle different scenerios for each problem. I usually solve the problem in a inefficient way, so I think that this course will help me improve these circumstances.

Would you consider using a low-interest loan to pay for your courses?

As I am still studying as a student at University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. According to me, I don’t think that I can pay my debts off as there is a pandemic going on around the globe, and because of this situation people having more experienced than me as a developer are also getting unemployed and the companies around the world are not ready to hire any freshers/newcomers to their respective company. Even if I get hired I won’t be able to get salary as per exception as a developer in a company, Also, have some responsibility as I am the eldest one in the family, so I don’t think that I will be able to pay my loans/debts for this respective course.


If your application is approved, you’ll get an email letting you know, and you’ll be automatically enrolled in the course. Courses have personalized deadlines, so you won’t need to worry about falling behind.

Author: Yang Wang
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