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MeCab and CaboCha for Japanese


In Python, there are several choices of modules for morphological analysis. There are several types of kuromoji such as Janome, Juman, MeCab, and Esanpy, but this time we will use MeCab, which is said to be relatively fast and accurate.


MeCab is an open source morphological analysis engine developed through a joint research unit project between the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University and the Communication Science Laboratories of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. By the way, University of Sheffield, where I am studying at, had some kind of collaboration with NAIST during the 2012 Olympics in the UK, and the UoS helped NAIST produce a speech-to-speech translation app called VoiceTra for the event. MeCab is designed to be language, dictionary, and corpus independent.

Best Practices for Installing MeCab and CaboCha on Google Colab (refer from here):

# mecabとその依存関係のインストール
apt-get install mecab swig libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8
# mecab-pythonのインストール
pip install mecab-python3

# crfppダウンロード(cabochaの依存関係)
curl -sL -o CRF++-0.58.tar.gz ""
tar -zxf CRF++-0.58.tar.gz
# crfppインストール
cd CRF++-0.58
./configure && make && make install && ldconfig
cd ..

# cabochaダウンロード
curl -sc /tmp/cookie ${url} >/dev/null
code="$(awk '/_warning_/ {print $NF}' /tmp/cookie)"
curl -sLb /tmp/cookie ${url}"&confirm=${code}" -o cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2
tar -jxf cabocha-0.69.tar.bz2
# cabochaインストール
cd cabocha-0.69
./configure -with-charset=utf-8 && make && make check && make install && ldconfig
# cabocha-pythonのインストール
pip install python/
cd ..

Check the version of MeCab:

mecab -v
pip show mecab-python3 | grep -e Name -e Version && echo


You can install via pip install mecab or python -m pip install mecab. If you use Python 64-bit on Windows, MeCab 64-bit binary is required. If you encountered the error such as MeCab_wrap.cxx:178:11: fatal error: ‘Python.h’ file not found, please try the following command:

CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=`python-config --prefix`/Headers:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH pip install mecab

If you are a mac user, you can install MeCab and the dictionary more easier through this way.

brew install mecab
brew install mecab-ipadic

Next, install SWIG. We have to install this library, otherwise, there would be errors when installing mecab-python3.

brew install swig
swig -version

Finally, install the mecab-python3.

pip install mecab-python3

If you want to add a custom user dictionary, you can take a look at this article.

MeCab Example

Now let’s try morphological analysis in Python. The input text is “色んな曲が聴けるのでとても良いです。”. The code looks like the following.

import MeCab
wakati = MeCab.Tagger()

If we run this through python,

色んな	イロンナ	イロンナ	色んな	連体詞			0
曲	キョク	キョク	曲	名詞-普通名詞-一般			0,1,2
が	ガ	ガ	が	助詞-格助詞			
聴ける	キケル	キク	聞く	動詞-一般	下一段-カ行	連体形-一般	0
の	ノ	ノ	の	助詞-準体助詞			
で	デ	ダ	だ	助動詞	助動詞-ダ	連用形-一般	
とても	トテモ	トテモ	迚も	副詞			0
良い	ヨイ	ヨイ	良い	形容詞-非自立可能	形容詞	終止形-一般	1
です	デス	デス	です	助動詞	助動詞-デス	終止形-一般	
。			。	補助記号-句点			

By the way, we can choose different output mode for MeCab.

  • mecabrc: default
  • -Ochasen: ChaSen compatible format
  • -Owakati: output only shared writing
  • -Oyomi: outputs read-only

These are the four modes available. You may want to try different ones. Moreover, you will be able to analyze the text in another way.

sentence = "色んな曲が聴けるのでとても良いです。"
node = wakati.parseToNode(sentence)
tokens, taggings = [], []
while node:
	print(node.surface, "\t", node.feature)
	node =

The tokens will be looked like the following:

[‘’, ‘色んな’, ‘曲’, ‘が’, ‘聴ける’, ‘の’, ‘で’, ‘とても’, ‘良い’, ‘です’, ‘。’, ‘’]

The taggings will be looked like the following:

[‘BOS/EOS’, ‘連体詞’, ‘名詞’, ‘助詞’, ‘動詞’, ‘助詞’, ‘助動詞’, ‘副詞’, ‘形容詞’, ‘助動詞’, ‘補助記号’, ‘BOS/EOS’]

Word segmentation and part-of-speech (POS) tagging are considered fundamental steps for high-level natural language processing tasks such as parsing, machine translation, and information extraction.

I have created a module to list the output of MeCab. It looks like the following.

class Analyser:

	def __init__(self):
		self.tagger = MeCab.Tagger()

	def analyse(self, text):
		node = self.tagger.parseToNode(text)
		results = []
		while node:
			word = node.surface
			wclass = node.feature.split(',')
			if wclass[0] != u'BOS/EOS':
				if wclass[6] == None:
			node =
		return results

It can be used like this.

sentence = "色んな曲が聴けるのでとても良いです。"
analyser = Analyser()

[('色んな', '連体詞', '*', '*', 'イロンナ'),
 ('曲', '名詞', '普通名詞', '一般', 'キョク'),
 ('が', '助詞', '格助詞', '*', 'ガ'),
 ('聴ける', '動詞', '一般', '*', 'キク'),
 ('の', '助詞', '準体助詞', '*', 'ノ'),
 ('で', '助動詞', '*', '*', 'ダ'),
 ('とても', '副詞', '*', '*', 'トテモ'),
 ('良い', '形容詞', '非自立可能', '*', 'ヨイ'),
 ('です', '助動詞', '*', '*', 'デス'),
 ('。', '補助記号', '句点', '*', '')]

Rough Explanation


By doing this tagger.parse('') before passing the data to the parser, you can avoid UnicodeDecodeError. I don’t know the exact reason, but I think it is probably because once the tagger.parse('') is inserted, it is initialized with the standard character encoding used in the program.

node = tagger.parseToNode(text)

Assigning analysis results with surface (word) and feature (part-of-speech information) to node. The data in the node.feature part is:

表層形, 左文脈ID, 右文脈ID, コスト, 品詞, 品詞細分類1, 品詞細分類2, 品詞細分類3, 活用型, 活用形, 原形, 読み, 発音

Surface type, left context ID, right context ID, cost, part of speech, sub POS 1, sub-POS 2, sub-POS 3, conjugation type, conjugation form, original form, ruby, pronunciation

It is split by “,” and assigned to wclass as an array.

if wclass[6] == None:

The content was in the form of (surface form, parts of speech, part-of-speech subdivision 1, part-of-speech subdivision 2, original form). If you need other data, please change the wclass[] part accordingly.


CaboCha is another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyser. It is a Japanese Kanji analyzer based on Support Vector Machines.


git clone
pip install cabocha/

Check the version of CaboCha:

cabocha -v && echo
pip show cabocha-python | grep -e Name -e Version


Simple example:

import CaboCha
cp = CaboCha.Parser()

    よく---D |
        柿-D |

Or you can use it this way.

from cabocha.analyzer import CaboChaAnalyzer
analyzer = CaboChaAnalyzer()
tree = analyzer.parse("日本語の形態素解析はすごいです。")
tokens = []
for chunk in tree:
	for token in chunk:

['日本語', 'の', '形態素', '解析', 'は', 'すごい', 'です', '。']


By using MeCab, I can always create the application for the task regarding to Japanese tasks. It’s not quite ready for practical use, but it’s still a lot of work to get it up and running. The only thing left to do is to grow the application with imagination and effort. I put the colab notebook over here, please feel free to read it.



Author: Yang Wang
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint polocy. If reproduced, please indicate source Yang Wang !
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