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Busuanzi Unable to Display the Number of Visitors


When adding statistics to the number of people and visits to the blog, according to the standard process of writing, pushing the number of people and visits after running found that the number of people simply do not load. Looking through the information found that the reason, busuanzi because in 2018/10/12 its domain name expired, so the number of people can not be displayed.


If your theme is an old version, please update the file in source\lib\others\ folder. Copy the code from here, and paste it in the file After modification, you can successfully see the number of visitors.



Author: Yang Wang
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint polocy. If reproduced, please indicate source Yang Wang !
Install RPM Files on Ubuntu Install RPM Files on Ubuntu
On Ubuntu, I will show you how to instal RPM packages. The design of Debian-based systems like Ubuntu and RedHat-based systems like CentOS is quite similar. There are, however, a few minor differences. For example, RPM files are used to represent software packages on RedHat-based systems, while DEB files are used on Debian-based systems. An RPM package can be installed in one of two ways, by converting the RPM file to a DEB file or by installing the RPM file directly. Both approaches are easy, but depending on the package being installed, installing RPM packages on a Debian-based system can cause problems.
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