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Install RPM Files on Ubuntu


On Ubuntu, I’ll show you how to instal RPM packages. The design of Debian-based systems like Ubuntu and RedHat-based systems like CentOS is quite similar. There are, however, a few minor differences. For example, RPM files are used to represent software packages on RedHat-based systems, while DEB files are used on Debian-based systems. An RPM package can be installed in one of two ways: by converting the RPM file to a DEB file or by installing the RPM file directly. Both approaches are easy, but depending on the package being installed, installing RPM packages on a Debian-based system can cause problems.


Step 1: Add the Universe Repository

For the first way, you’ll need a package called Alien, which converts RPM files to DEB files. You’ll need to add a software repository called Universe to instal Alien.

sudo add-apt-repository universe

Step 2: Update apt-get

When the terminal asks for your user account password, type it in. In order for the repository to be used, you must now update apt-get.

sudo apt-get update -y

Step 3: Install Alien Package

Now that the Universe repository has been added, run the following command to install Alien.

sudo apt-get install alien

Step 4: Convert RPM package to DEB

Once it’s up and running, double-check that the software package you downloaded is an RPM file. Go to the folder containing your RPM file. Simply run the command below once you have the RPM file available.

sudo alien <NameOfPackage>.rpm

Step 5: Install the Converted Package

The file may take a few moments to convert. Once that’s done, use dpkg to instal the file normally.

sudo dpkg -i <NameOfPackage>.deb

Example (Connect to University of Sheffield VPN)

I’ll show you how to connect an Ubuntu device to a VPN in this article.

  1. Download Forticlient VPN.
  2. Convert DEB file to RPM file.
    sudo add-apt-repository universe
    sudo apt-get update -y
    sudo apt-get install alien
    sudo alien forticlient_vpn_6.4.3.0959_x86_64.rpm
    sudo dpkg -i forticlient_6.4.3.0959-2_amd64.deb
  3. Launch Forticlient VPN select Configure VPN.
  4. Set VPN Type: SSL VPN.
  5. Set Connection Name: UoS-SSL-VPN
  6. Set Remote Gateway:
  7. Click Save.
  8. Select UoS-SSL-VPN as VPN name.
  9. Enter your university username - this is the same username you log into MUSE with.
  10. Enter your university password - this is the same password you log into MUSE with.



Author: Yang Wang
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint polocy. If reproduced, please indicate source Yang Wang !
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