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I train machine to train model.
Sentiment Analysis for KKBOX Sentiment Analysis for KKBOX
This sentiment classification task is based on reviews data of UtaPass and KKBOX from Google Play platform. As a KKStreamer at KKBOX, I become more interested in Natural Language Processing, especially text classification. First, I start crawling the text data using web crawler technique, namely BeautifulSoup and Selenium. Second, I develop several different neural network architectures, including simple RNN, LSTM, GRU, and CNN, to name but a few, to detect the polarity of reviews from customers.
Categorising Song Genre by Analysing Lyrics Categorising Song Genre by Analysing Lyrics
The ability to classify music in an automated manner has become increasingly more important with the advent of musical streaming services allowing greater access to music. Spotify alone hit 100 million users in 2016, with other services provided by companies such as Apple, Soundcloud and YouTube. In addition, there are huge numbers of professional musicians, approximately 53,000 in the USA alone, as well as amateurs who are producing music which needs to be classified. With this quantity of music, it is unfeasible to classify genres without an automated method.