Stealing pages from the server...

I train machine to train model.
Set Up Anaconda for Python Set Up Anaconda for Python
Recently, python is getting more popular, because it can complete a project in a short time. However, setting up virtual environment is crucial for programming several projects. In this article, I will introduce how I setting up a anaconda environment for python.
TensorFlow 2.0 Installation TensorFlow 2.0 Installation
TensorFlow makes people love and hate. It is an end-to-end open source platform for Machine Learning and Deep Learning. However, I always have trouble with installing TensorFlow a bunch of times. Thus I decide to share my experience in order to help others to solve this same problem.
EDA for Predicting Insurance Claim EDA for Predicting Insurance Claim
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is understanding the data sets by summarizing their main characteristics often plotting them visually. This step is very important especially when we arrive at modeling the data in order to apply Machine learning. In this article, I'll show you how I did for this!
Collect Tweets using Twint Collect Tweets using Twint
Twint is a Python-based advanced Twitter scraping app that allows you to scrape Tweets from Twitter profiles without having to use Twitter's API. Twint makes use of Twitter's search operators to allow you to scrape Tweets from specific individuals, scrape Tweets referring to specific themes, hashtags, and trends, and sort out sensitive information like e-mail and phone numbers from Tweets. This is something I find quite handy, and you can get fairly creative with it as well.
QS Ranking Crawler QS Ranking Crawler
This article aims to build a web scraper by using BeautifulSoup and Selenium, and scrape QS Rankings to discover the top universities from all over the world. "Uni name", "ranking" and "location" are fetched from the table and stored as a csv file. Jupyter notebook is available as well through my GitHub.