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I train machine to train model.
Use SUBL Command in Windows Use SUBL Command in Windows
It's sometimes easier to edit a file from terminal by using Sublime Text, and yet it is not the default in Windows. This tutorial will show you how to use the command line to open files with Sublime Text in Windows.
Why We Need PEP Why We Need PEP
PEP8 was designed to make Python code more readable. If you're new to Python, remembering what a piece of code does a few days or weeks after you created it can be challenging. If you follow PEP8, you may be able to assure that your variables have been properly named.
Blind Spot about Sklearn Confusion Matrix Blind Spot about Sklearn Confusion Matrix
Evaluate the model we developed while performing research for either machine learning or deep learning projects is crucial. The best technique to see if the predicted value is well-classified is to use a confusion matrix. The confusion matrix function in the sklearn package, however, has a different interpretation than the one we usually find on other websites.
Self-Attention for NLP Self-Attention for NLP
In short, an attention-based model "focuses" on each element of the input (a word in a sentence or a different position in an image, etc.). "Focusing" means projecting different levels of attention so that the input elements are treated differently and each element of the input is weighted differently to influence the result; a non-attention model treats each element "equally".
Render Pseudocode in Hexo Blog Render Pseudocode in Hexo Blog
pseudocode.js is a JavaScript library that typesets pseudocode beautifully to HTML. When I was trying to render the pseudocode in my tech blog, I struggled a lot. I tried loads of methods, but none of them worked. Finally, this one worked out, so I'd like to document it for future reference.
Convolution from Mathematical Analysis Convolution from Mathematical Analysis
Convolution is a mathematical operation on two functions (f and g) that creates a third function (f * g) that expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other in mathematics (specifically, functional analysis). If one of the functions participating in the fold is considered to be the indicator function of the interval, the fold can also be considered to be a 'sliding average' promotion. The idea of applying the convolutional operation to image data is not novel or specific to convolutional neural networks. A convolution is simply the application of a filter to an input that results in an activation. In computer vision, it's a common technique.
Batch Normalisation and Layer Normalisation Batch Normalisation and Layer Normalisation
The standardisation of inputs may be applied to input variables for the first hidden layer or to the activations from a hidden layer for deeper layers. In common, this normalisation technique is used on the inputs to the layer before or after the activation function in the previous layer. Using normalisation technique, in addition, can make the network more stable during training. In this articale, batch normalisation and layer normalisation will be compared.
One-way ANOVA Implemented from Scratch One-way ANOVA Implemented from Scratch
ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance) test used to compare the means of more than 2 groups, whilst t-test can only be used to compare 2 groups. ANOVA uses variance-based F test to check the group mean equality. There are two main types of ANOVA, one-way (one factor) and two-way (two factors) ANOVA.
Linear Regression using statsmodels Linear Regression using statsmodels
A linear regression to modelling the relationship between a scalar response and one or more explanatory variables is known as linear regression in statistics (also known as dependent and independent variables). Simple linear regression is used when there is only one explanatory variable; multiple linear regression is used when there are more than one.
Integrate NLP with Technical Indicators Integrate NLP with Technical Indicators
The aim of this project is to build a model which can make informed buy-and-sell decisions with respect to cryptocurrency trading. The model will do so by leveraging streaming news-feed data (Twitter, Bloomberg, etc.) as well as pricing data (open, close, etc.) to inform its predictions.
Simpson Rule for Definite Integrals Simpson Rule for Definite Integrals
Simpson's rules are numerous approximations for definite integrals in numerical analysis, named after English mathematician Thomas Simpson (1710−1761). In calculus, basically, there are two ways to approximate the value of an integral, Reimann sums and Trapezoidal sums. However, calculating the value of an integral, we need to compute the areas of a zillion rectangles or more to get a better result. Therefore, we use Simpson's Rule, which is a way to approximate integrals without having to deal with lots of narrow rectangles.
BERT for Text Classification BERT for Text Classification
Deep learning has improved the performance of neural network architectures such as recurrent neural networks (RNN and LSTM) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) in tackling a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) problems such as text categorisation, language modelling, machine translation, and so on. Transfer learning is a method of using a deep learning model that has been trained on a big dataset to perform similar tasks on a new dataset. A deep learning model like this is referred to as a pre-trained model. As a result, the demand for NLP transfer learning was at an all-time high. In the paper "Attention is All You Need," published in 2018, Google unveiled the transformer, which proved to be a watershed moment in NLP.
NLP Meets PyTorch Lightning NLP Meets PyTorch Lightning
PyTorch Lightning is a Python package that provides a high-level interface for PyTorch, a well-known deep learning framework. It's a fast, lightweight framework that organises PyTorch code to separate research and engineering, making deep learning experiments easier to comprehend and reproduce.
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